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Software present both in the SEISMOWIN suite and in the GEOEXPLORER suite. This module allows you to acquire micro tremors from a bi-axial or tri-axial instrument, connected via a serial cable or via a seedLink protocol, thus exploiting the network.

To use the serial cable the program needs the following drivers:

SEISMOLOG-MT is able to show in real time the horizontal particle motion of the instrument, which allows to verify its correct positioning on a surface. Furthermore it is able to calculate in real time the frequency spectrum of the signal being acquired and to collect the data necessary to perform the HVSR in real time.

The display window of the HVSR allows you to set the display of the result in many different ways, as well as allowing the definition of windows, such as spike tolerance and duration. Each collection window can be manually excluded from the calculation or deleted. Tracks that represent deviations or the average trend can be hidden or shown thus facilitating the various types of analysis and study available.

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Micro tremor acquisition and HVSR calculation.

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